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バートランド・ラッセル結婚論 第二章 母系社会 02-03 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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 しかし、父親の子供に対する関係は、間接的、仮説的、推論的(な関係)である。つまり、それは妻の貞操に対する信念(信頼心)と結びついており、従って、とても知的な領域に属しているので、本能的なもの(property 人間の属性)とみなすことはできない。あるいは、少なくとも、父性の(父親としての)感情は,本質的に言って,男性自身の子供に向けられているものでなければならないと想定するならば、本能的なものとは言えないと思われるだろう。けれども、これは決して、必ずしも事実ではない。メラネシア人は、人には父親がある(注:父親が介在しなければ子どもは生まれない)ということを知らないが、それでも彼らの間では、父親は、子供が自分の子供だと知っている地域の父親に少なくとも負けないくらい,自分の子供をかわいがる。(注:父性の感情は、本能的だとも本能的でないとも簡単には決められない、ということ)

Chapter II Matrilineal Societies

Seeing that all civilized modern societies are based upon the patriarchal family, and that the whole conception of female virtue has been built up in order to make the patriarchal family possible, it is important to inquire what natural impulses have gone to produce the sentiment of paternity. This question is by no means so easy as unreflective persons might suppose. The feeling of a mother towards her child is one which it is not at all difficult to understand; since there is a close physical tie, at any rate up to the moment of weaning. But the relation of father to child is indirect, hypothetical and inferential : it is bound up with beliefs as to the virtue of the wife, and belongs accordingly to a region too intellectual to be regarded as properly instinctive. Or at least it would so seem if one supposed that the sentiment of paternity must be directed essentially towards a man's own children. This, however, is by no means necessarily the case. The Melanesians do not know that people have fathers, yet among them fathers are at least as fond of their children as they are where they know them to be their children. A flood of light has been thrown upon the psychology of paternity by Malinowski's books on the Trobriand Islanders. Three books especially - Sex and Repression in Savage Society, The Father in Primitive Psychology, and The Sexual Life of Savages in North-West Melanesia- are quite indispensable to any understanding of the complex sentiment which we call that of paternity. There are, in fact, two entirely distinct reasons which may lead a man to be interested in a child: he may be interested in the child because he believes it to be his child, or again he may be interested in it because he knows it to be his wife's child. The second of these motives alone operates where the part of the father in generation is not known.

(掲載日:2016.06.03/更新日: )