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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル結婚論 序論 n8- Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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性に関する考え方の変遷(松下彰良 訳)

 以上列挙した全ての観点から吟味された後でなければ、いかなる性倫理(注:sexual ethic/ethics なら「倫理学」も、しっかりした根拠に立って、その是非(正当化できるか,不適切とするか)を決めることはできない。(性倫理の)改革者も反動家も,同様に、問題の一つの側面かあるいはよくても二つの側面しか考察しない癖(傾向)がある。特に、個人的な観点と政治的な観点とが組みあわさっている場合(両方の側面から検討されていること)は稀である。このうちの一方が他方よりも重要であるとは絶対に言えないにもかかわらずである(注:and yet それは「~にもかかわらず。http://eigo-jouhou.com/what-is-and-yet-what-is-but-yet/)。また、個人的な観点から見て良い制度は、政治的な観点から見ても良い制度であるとかその逆も真である,という確信を、我々は,アプリオリ(注:経験に依存せず・先見的)に抱くことはできない。

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 私は,また、医学や公衆衛生(衛生学)の進歩は、個人的観点及び公共的観点の両方から見て、性倫理(注:sexual ethics 最初の行に出てくる sexual ethic と異なった意味で使用していないようである。)の諸変化を望ましいものとしてきているとともに、他方、上述したとおり、教育における国家の役割が増してきたために、次第に父親は過去の時代ほど重要ではなくなりつつある、と信じている。


No sexual ethic can be either justified or condemned on solid grounds until it has been examined from all the points of view above enumerated. Reformers and reactionaries alike are in the habit of considering one or at most two of the aspects of the problem. It is especially rare to find any combination of the private and the political points of view, and yet it is quite impossible to say that either of these is more important than the other, and we can have no assurance a priori that a system which is good from a private point of view would also be good from a political point of view, or vice versa. My own belief is that in most ages and in most places obscure psychological forces have led men to adopt systems involving quite unnecessary cruelty, and that this is still the case among the most civilised races at the present day. I believe also that the advances in medicine and hygiene have made changes in sexual ethics desirable both from a private and public point of view, while, as already suggested, the increasing role of the State in education is gradually rendering the father less important than he has been throughout historical times. We have, therefore, a twofold task in criticising the current ethics: on the one hand we have to eliminate the elements of superstition, which are often subconscious; on the other hand we have to take account of those entirely new factors which make the wisdom of past ages the folly instead of the wisdom of the present.
In order to obtain a perspective upon the existing system, I shall first consider some systems which have existed in the past or exist at the present time among the less civlised portions of mankind. I shall then proceed to characterise the system now in vogue in Western civilisation, and finally to consider the respects in which this system should be amended and the grounds for hoping that such amendment will take place.

(掲載日:2016.05.31/更新日: )