* 原著: New Hopes for a Changing World, pt.III: Man and Himself, chap.16: ideas which have become obsolete* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
私は、(現在)必要とされる考え方の変化の全体的な基礎(をなすもの)は技術上のものであるということを、繰り返し言いたい。 今や競争ではなく、広範囲、かつ大規模な協力によってこそ、従来よりも遙かに大きな利益がもたらされるからである。戦争と党派的分裂によって、被害は増大する。人類は昔の競争の習慣やその僅かな利益の夢が忘れられず、今日の泥沼におちた。二度の世界大戦もその実例であった。東西に対立感情があり、互いに背後にピストルを握っていれば、どちらが先に発砲するのかと疑うことしか考えられず、協力どころでなくなる。
( Competition, as conceived by its early devotees, was to be kept within bounds. It was to be confined to rival employers, and limited to what the law allowed. But it escaped from these shackles. There was competition between classes, and there was competition between nations. The first led to Socialism, the second to war. Neither of these had been intended by the early apostles of competition, such as Cobden, and yet both were inevitable consequences of the creed. ... As industrialism becomes more and more efficient, the old competitive outlook becomes at once less applicable and more harmful, sinch both plenty and disastrous devastation are possible results of human skill.
I wish to repeat that the whole basis of the change of outlook which is required is technical. There is nowadays much more profit in large-scale co-operation than there used to be. ... Vast unificatios are profitable, whereas dislocations caused by wars or strikes do more harm than they did in former times. ...
... Just the same considerations apply to the present East-West tension. ... If A and B each know that the other is after him with a pistol, they may consider general maxim about the desirability of co-operation irrelevant. ...)