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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* (語学テキスト)神山正治(編訳注)『Bertrand Russell's Best』から採録
* 出典:神山正治(編訳注)『Bertrand Russell's Best』(金星堂,1961年9月刊。164pp.)

(49) Sadistic Impulses of Men


When we pass in review*1 the opinions of former times which are now recognized as absurd, it will be found that nine times out of ten*2 they were such as to justify the infliction of suffering*3. Take, for instance, 'medical practice*4. When anaesthetics were invented they were thought to be wicked as being an attempt to thwart God's will*5. Insanity was thought to be due to diabolic possession*6, and it was believed that demons inhabiting a madman*7 could be driven out by inflicting pain upon him, and so making them uncomfortable. Or again, take*8 moral education. Consider how much brutality*9 has been justifled*10 by the rhyme*11:
A dog, a wife, and a walnut tree*12,
The more you beat them the better they be*13.
I have no experience of the moral effect*14 of flagellation*15 on walnut trees, but no civilized person would now justify the rhyme as regards wives*16. The reformative effect*17 of punishment is a belief that dies hard*18, chiefly I think, because it is so satisfying*19 to our sadistic impulses*20.

(From: Unpopular Essays, 1950)




(1) pass in review 「ひとわたりながめる,回想する」.原意は「閲兵する」/(2) nine times out of ten 「十中八九」/(3) such as to justify the infliction of suffering 「苦痛を与えることを正当化するようなもの」/(4)medical practice 「医療」/(5)as being an attempt to thwart God's will 「神の意志をはばむ試みであるとして」,'thwart' [θwo:t」=obstruct./(6)due to diabolic possession 「悪魔にとりつかれたため」. 'possess'= influence strongly./(7)demos inhabiting a madman 「狂人の中に住む悪魔」/(8)take 「(例として)とっていただきたい」/(9)brutality 「獣的行為」/(10)has been justified 「正当化された」/(11)rhyme 「韻文」/(12)walnut tree 「くるみの木」/(13)the better they be 「彼らはそれだけよくなる」,' be'=will be/(14)moral effect (...on) 「道徳的影響」/(15)flagellation 「むちうち刑」/(16)as regards wives 「妻に関して」/(17)reformative effect 「感化力」/(18)dies hard 「なかなか滅びない,なかなか無くならない」/(19)satisfying 「満足感を与える」/(20)distic impu1ses 「サディスト的な衝動」'sadistic'の名詞形は sadism で,異性を虐待して喜ぶ変態性欲を意味する。この反対,すなわち,異性から虐待を受けて喜ぶ変態性欲をマゾヒズム(masohism)という。前者はフランスの Marquis de Sade, 後者はオーストリヤの L. von S. Masoch といういずれも小説家の名からでた言葉