* 原著: Power, a new social analysis, 1938, chap. 7: Revolutionary Power* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
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(a new creed, involving new mental habits, acquires an increasing hold over men, and at last becomes strong enough to substitute a government in harmony with the new convictions in place of the one which is felt to have become obsolete. In this case the new revolutionary power has characteristics which are different both from traditional and from naked power. ... )
初期キリスト教 (Early Christianity;)
キリスト教会は,キリスト教国家と対抗し,これらの多くの国々において,どこにおいても勝利した。ただ新宗教(イスラム教)のみが,国家に対してキリスト教会を支配する力を与えたのである。 (I am concerned with Christianity only as it affected power and social organization, not, except incidentally, on the side of personal religion.
As the number of Christians increased and the Church grew more powerful, it was inevitable that a desire to influence the State should grow up. ,,,
In relation to power, the most important of Christian doctrines was: "We ought to obey God rather than man." This was a precept to which nothing analogous had previously existed, except among the Jews. ... The principle that we ought to obey God rather than man has been interpreted by Christians in two different ways. God's commands may be conveyed to the individual conscience either directly, or indirectly through the medium of the Church. ... Christian teaching has thus involved a weakening of the State, either in favour of the right of private judgment, or in favour of the Church.
The conflict between the Church and the State has never been theoretically resolved, and continues down to the present day in such matters as education. ...
As against the Christian State, the Church was everywhere victorious in these many contests; only the new religion of Islam gave the State power to dominate the Church.
宗教改革 (The Reformation.)
権力という観点から見ると,宗教改革には,我々に関係している二つの面がある。一つは,宗教改革の神学上の無政府主義が教会を弱体化したという面であり,もう一つは,この教会の弱体化が国家を強化したという面である。・・・ルーテルは,カトリック教会とカトリックの過激派と対抗して勝利するために,俗界の諸侯に頼らざるを得なかった・・・独立した一つの権力としてのカトリック教会は,ルーテル派の国々(諸国)においては,事実上,存在しなくなり,世俗政府への服従を説く機構の一部となった。(From the point of view of power, the Reformation has two aspects that concern us: on the one hand, its theological anarchism weakened the Church; on the other hand, by weakening the Church it strengthened the State.... The Church, as an independent power, practically ceased to exist in Lutheran countries, and became part of the machinery for preaching submission to the secular government.
「如何なる人間も然るべき法の手続きを経ず濫りに(みだりに) 生命や自由を奪われてはならない」との主張は、哲学上の不合理を含んでいない意見である。 ・・・
(The Western world, from the Reformation until 1848, was undergoing a continuous upheaval which may be called the Rights-of-Man Revolution. ...
the nationalist aspect of the movement has gradually overpowered the Rights-of-Man aspect, but this latter was at first the more important. ... It is true that, philosophically considered, the doctrine is indefensible ; but historically and pragmatically it was useful, and we enjoy many freedoms which it helped to win....they held that no man should be deprived of life or liberty without due process of law. This is an opinion which, whether true or false, involves no philosophical absurdity...
In the Catholic Church, a long career of power had somewhat obscured the individualism of early Christianity; but Protestantism, especially in its more extreme forms, revived it, and applied it to the theory of government.
The revolutionary and Napoleonic armies exhibited a combination of the propagandist force of a new creed with naked power on a larger scale than had been seen before in Europe ...
Revolutionary power, as the case of Napoleon shows, is very apt to degenerate into naked power. ...
Only where the revolutionary faith is strong and widespread, and victory is not too long delayed, can the habit of co-operation survive the shock involved in revolution, and enable the new government to rest upon consent rather than upon mere military force. A government without psychological authority must be a tyranny....)
ソビエト政府は、権力を掌握するや、盛時のカトリック教会の教説に逆戻りした。つまり、競争する教説を皆 抑え、真理を宣伝するのは権力者だけという教説である。非民主的独裁権の樹立と政権安定のために赤軍を使っ た。目新しく現れたのは、政治権力と経済権力の混涌で 政府は統制力を甚だしく増大した。現代社会が幸福と安定を保障すべきならば、個人の発議権を保障する何らかの制度が必要で、その制度が新たに規定され、保護されねばならない。