* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』* Source: Mysticism and Logic, and Other Essays, 1918, chapt. 8: the relation of sense-data to physics
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(I shall give the name sensibilia to those objects which have the same metaphysical and physical status as sense-data, without necessarily being data to any mind. Thus the relation of a sensibile to a sense-datum is like that of a man to a husband: a man becomes a husband by entering into the relation of marriage, and similarly a sensibile becomes a sense-datum by entering into the relation of acquaintance. It is important to have both terms; for we wish to discuss whether an object which is at one time a sense-datum can still exist at a time when it is not a sense-datum. We cannot ask "Can sense-data exist without being given?" for that is like asking "Can husbands exist without being married?" We must ask "Can sensibilia exist without being given?" and also "Can a particular sensibile be at one time a sense-datum, and at another not?" Unless we have the word sensibile as well as the word "sense-datum," such questions are apt to entangle us in trivial logical puzzles.) It will be seen that all sense-data are sensibilia. It is a metaphysical question whether all sensibilia are sense-data, and an epistemological question whether there exist means of inferring sensibilia which are not data from those that are.
いやむしろ可感なもの(センシビリア)がなければ、私的な空間において 連続的に存在する物を構成することはできないし、ましてや公的空間における物はなおのこと構成不可能である といってよかろう。ただし、ラッセルは、感覚器官や神経組織が存在しない場所でも何らかの現れを呈示するということに対して奇怪な感情を抱く者がある(いる)ことを懸念して、ラッセル自身にはかような感情がないこと、そしてかかる現れは仮説の足場であり、物理学上の構築物が完成してしまえば、とりはずしうるものであることを指摘している。(遠藤)
( It may be thought monstrous to maintain that a thing can present any appearance at all in a place where no sense organs and nervous structure exist through which it could appear. I do not myself feel the monstrosity; nevertheless I should regard these supposed appearances only in the light of a hypothetical scaffolding, to be used while the edifice of physics is being raised, though possibly capable of being removed as soon as the edifice is completed. )