* 原著:Education and the Social Order, 1932, chap.11* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
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( Consequently, wherever class distinction exist, education necessariry has two correlative defects:
( that of producing arrogance in the rich, and that of aiming at irrational humility in the poor.
( The objections to the arrogance of the rich are obvious, and have been pointed out by the moralists from the time of the Hebrew prophets downwards, though only a small percentage of the moralists have noticed that the evil could not be undone by mere preaching, but only bay a diffent economic system. )
(the teaching of falsehood:)
1) 金持と貧乏人との不公平は不正でないという倫理的な虚偽
( ethical fassehood: ... the inequality of the rich and the poor is not an injustice.)
2) 現在の経済機構を最上のものとする経済学上の虚偽
( economic falsehood: ... the present economic system is the best possible )
3) 富者と貧者との史上の争いを富者の立場から語る歴史学的な虚偽
( historical falsehood; the previous conflicts of rich and poor are narrated from the standpoint of the rich.)