* 出典:『ラッセル思想辞典』所収 * Source: Mysticism and Logic, and Other Essays, 1918, chap.2.理性は、創造的な力というよりも調和・統制する力である。最も純粋に論理的な領域においてさえ、新しいものにまず到達するのは直観的な洞察力である。
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Where instinct and reason do sometimes conflict is in regard to single beliefs, held instinctively, and held with such determination that no degree of inconsistency with other beliefs leads to their abandonment. Instinct, like all human faculties, is liable to error. Those in whom reason is weak are often unwilling to admit this as regards themselves, though all admit it in regard to others. Source: Bertrand Russell : Our Knowledge of the External World, chapter 1: Current Tendencies, p.31..
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