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バートランド・ラッセル 幸福論 第14章 仕事 25-02 -- The Conquest of Happiness , by Bertrand Russell

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適量の仕事は幸福の原因(松下彰良 対訳)

 大部分の'有給の仕事'と、ある種の'無給の仕事'の第2の利点は、成功のチャンス(好機)と野心を実現する機会を提供してくれる、ということである。大部分の仕事では、成功は収入(の多寡)によって測られる。そうして、資本主義社会が続く間は、これは避けがたいことである。この尺度の適用が自然でなくなるのは、'最もすぐれた仕事'に関する場合だけである。収入を増やしたいと感じている(思っている)欲望は、'より高い収入がもたらすことができる特別な安楽を求める欲望'であると同時に、'成功したいという欲望'でもある。仕事がどんなに退屈であっても、世間一般であれ、仲間内だけであれ、名声を打ち立てる手段になるのであれば、その仕事は耐えられるものになる。'目的の持続性'ということは、長い目で見れば、'幸福の最も本質的な成分'の1つであるが、大部分の人びとの場合、これは主に仕事を通して得られる。この点では、毎日の生活が家事で占められている女性は、男性や家の外で働いている女性よりもずっと不幸である。家庭的な(家庭に入った)妻は、給料はもらえず、自分自身を向上させる手段は何も持たず、夫(妻のしていることをほとんど何も見ていない)からはそれが当然のことだと思われている。そうして、妻は家事ではなく全く別の性質で(性質ゆえに)評価される。 もちろん、美しい家や美しい庭を作り、隣人の羨望の的になるくらい裕福な女性たちには、このことはあてはまらない。しかし、そのような女性は比較的少数であり、大部分の女性にとっては、家事は、家事以外の仕事が男性や専門職についている女性にもたらすほど大きな満足を(専業主婦に)もたらすことはできない。

Work, therefore, is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days. With this advantage of work another is associated, namely that it makes holidays much more delicious when they come. Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigour, he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find.
The second advantage of most paid work and of some unpaid work is that it gives chances of success and opportunities for ambition. In most work success is measured by income, and while our capitalistic society continues, this is inevitable. It is only where the best work is concerned that this measure ceases to be the natural one to apply. The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can procure. However dull work may be, it becomes bearable if it is a means of building up a reputation, whether in the world at large or only in one's own circle. Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness in the long run, and for most men this comes chiefly through their work. In this respect those women whose lives are occupied with housework are much less fortunate than men, or than women who work outside the home. The domesticated wife does not receive wages, has no means of bettering herself, is taken for granted by her husband (who sees practically nothing of what she does), and is valued by him not for her housework but for quite other qualities. Of course, this does not apply to those women who are sufficiently well-to-do to make beautiful houses and beautiful gardens and become the envy of their neighbours; but such women are comparatively few, and for the great majority housework cannot bring as much satisfaction as work of other kinds brings to men and to professional women.
