所有欲のカムフラージュ(松下彰良 訳)
(注:ラッセルは、1926年に出版した『教育論-特に幼少期の』のなかで、理想的な人間(=男女とも!)の性格の基礎となる特質として「vitality 活力、courage 勇気、sensitiveness 感受性、intelligence 知性」の4つをあげている。)
To define the best kind of affection is not altogether easy, since clearly there will be some protective element in it . We do not feel indifferent to the hurts of people whom we love. I think, however, that apprehension of misfortune, as opposed to sympathy with a misfortune that has actually occurred, should play as small a part as possible in affection. Fear for others is only a shade better than fear for ourselves. Moreover it is very often a camouflage for possessiveness. It is hoped that by rousing their fears a more complete empire over them can be obtained. This, of course, is one of the reasons why men have liked timid women, since by protecting them they came to own them. The amount of solicitude of which a person can be the object without damage to himself depends upon his character: a person who is hardy and adventurous can endure a great deal without damage, whereas a timid person should be encouraged to expect little in this way.