競争の哲学に毒される(松下彰良 訳)'競争'を人生の主要事(最も重要なこと)としてとらえることは,あまりにも冷酷・執拗であり,常に気を張りつめ,ひたむきな意志を必要とするものであるため,生活の基礎(土台)としては,1,2世代ぐらいしか続くものではない。その期間が過ぎれば,それは神経疲労(安藤氏は,「神経衰弱」としているが,神経の疲労 fatique は,「神経衰弱=a nervous breakdown」まではいっていない。)や,種々の現実逃避現象を生み出し,'快楽の追求'を仕事と同様緊張を伴った,困難なものにし -なぜなら,リラックスすることが不可能になっているため- そうして,ついには,生殖不能になり,子孫(stock:切り株→家系→子孫)が絶えてしまうにちがいない。
![]() * From Free animation library Competition considered as the main thing in life is too grim, too tenacious, too much a matter of taut muscles and intent will, to make a possible basis of life for more than one or two generations at most. After that length of time it must produce nervous fatigue, various phenomena of escape, a pursuit of pleasures as tense and as difficult as work (since relaxing has become impossible), and in the end a disappearance of the stock through sterility. It is not only work that is poisoned by the philosophy of competition; leisure is poisoned just as much. The kind of leisure which is quiet and restoring to the nerves comes to be felt boring. There is bound to be a continual acceleration of which the natural termination would be drugs and collapse. The cure for this lies in admitting the part of sane and quiet enjoyment in a balanced ideal of life. |