* 原著:Education and the Social Order, by Bertrand Russell, 1932, chap.12: Competition in Education* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
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( In urban areas, and wherever there is a sufficient density of population, there ought to be special schools for very clever boys and girls. as there already are for the mentally deficient. ...
For example: a boy whose intelligence quotient (IQ) was 190 (100 being the average) was found in an ordinary school, where he had no friends and was regarded as a fool. He was transferred to a special class for boys with median intelligence quotient 164, where he was quickly recognized as a leader and "was elected to many posts of trust and honour." A great deal of needless pain and friction would be saved to clever children if they were not compelled to associate intimately with stupid contemporaries. ... From a purely intellectual point of view they can be taught much faster, and not have to endure the boredom of hearing things that they already understand being explained to the other members of the class.)