* 原著:Unpopular Essays, 1950 + Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
* 出典: Unpopular Essays, 1950
Men of science, at their best, have a special kind of impressiveness, resulting from the combination of great intellect with childlike simplicity. When I say 'simplicity', I do not mean anything involving lack of cleverness; I mean the habit of thinking impersonally, without regard for the worldly advantage or disadvantage of an opinion or an action. Among the men of science I have known, Einstein is a supreme example of this quality.
My experience with Albert Einstein was an intense and entirely warm one. His sense of a mystic or intuitive order in the universe was not one I could entirely share, although our estimates of what is important in human experience were close indeed. I certainly agree with him that there is objective truth ascertainable to human intelligence , and that the drama of seeking this is the noblest endeavour available to men.
* 出典: Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969