* 出典:R.カスリルズ、B.フェインベルグ(編著),日高一輝(訳)『拝啓バートランド・ラッセル様 - 市民との往復書簡集』・・・。あなたの耳にまだ届いていないでしょうか? つまり,最も新しい核爆弾においては'放射能塵'の落下も拡散の危険もまったくないという「極秘事項」から広がった馬鹿げた宣伝ですが・・・。
拝復 ミセス・バーソロミュー様
![]() ラッセルの言葉366 |
敬 具
Dear Mrs. Bartholomew,
... I have heard all the statements pretending that from the newest nuclear bomb there is no fall-out. All these statements are deliberate lies. I had a broadcast discussion on this point with . . . one of the chief governmental nuclear authorities in the U.S., who boasted that he had discovered how to make 'clean' bombs and that his research towards this end had been dictated by humanitarian motives. I said, "Then I suppose you have told the Russians about it?" He replied with horror, "No, that would be illegal!" Was I to conclude that it was only Russian lives that he wished to spare, not American?
Yours sincerely,
Bertrand Russell
(From: Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with the general public, 1950 - 1968. Allen & Unwin, 1969.)