・・・。仏陀は大胆にも無神論者になりました。しかし他の宗教の創始者はそうなりませんでした。彼らは、無神論者であることを宣言するほど十分な勇気を持っていなかったと我々は言うことはできません。彼らはその時代における反逆的精神の持ち主でした。・・・。さらに、彼らの教えを全て最も広義にとらえれば、彼らのメッセージは全て、「一つの究極の存在(実体)を信じなさい、そして善い行ないをしなさい」ということであり、皆同じです。そのような奇妙な一致はどうして起こったのでしょうか?・・・。* 松下訳に変更
拝復 ミス・ナシラ様
私の『なぜ私はクリスチャンでないか』(Why I am not a Christian, and Other Related Essays, 1954/邦訳書名『宗教は必要か』)をお読みいただければ大変嬉しく存じます。その本の中に私は、「自由人の信仰」と題した随筆をおさめてあります。このエッセイの中で、私の立場を十分に説明してあります。
敬 具 バートランド・ラッセル
.... I think the problem which you wish me to solve can be answered in this way. Men find the world a difficult place, and in many ways frightening. They feel that they cannot cope with their problems, and that they cannot face their fear of being alone in a hostile environment, with the possibility of accident, sickness, death and misfortune. As a result, they invent powerful figures whom they name gods. I agree that this lacks courage, and although it is true that many religious leaders who have believed in a deity have had a kind of personal courage in the face of persecution, I believe that they lacked the intellectual courage to face the world without the comfort of such a myth. For in the final analysis, it is human responsibility which is significant in our affairs. I should be very happy if you would read my book Why I am Not a Christian, in which I have included an essay called 'A Free Man's Worship'; in this I explain my position fully.
Thank you for your interesting letter.
Yours sincerely
Bertrand Russell
(From: Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with the general public, 1950 - 1968. Allen & Unwin, 1969.)