* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』Source: Education and the Social Order, 1932, chapt. 8:Religiona in Education
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( An ethic not derived from superstition must decide first upon the kind of social effects which it desires to achieve and the kind which it desires to avoid, it must then decide, as far as our knowledge permits, what acts will promote the desired consequences; these acts it will praise, while those having a contrary tendency it will condemn. Primitive ethics do not proceed in this way. They select certain modes of behaviour for censure, for reasons which are lost in anthropological obscurity. On the whole, among successful nations, the acts condemned tend to be harmful, and the acts praised tend to be beneficial, but this is never the case as regards every detail. There are those who hold that originally animals were domesticated for religious reasons, not from utility, but that the tribes which tried to domesticate the crocodile or the lion died out, while those which chose sheep and cows prospected. Similarly, where tribes with different ethical codes conflicted, those whose code was least absurd might be expected to be victorious. But no code with a superstitious origin can fall to contain absurdities. ...)