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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第3章 トラファルガー広場 33-24 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3,n.3

前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.3 (Trafalgar Square) 目次 Contents (総目次)

囚人護送車に乗る(松下彰良 訳)

 前回(第一次世界大戦中)私が投獄された時はタクシーでブリクストン刑務所に連れていかれたので,囚人護送車(Black Maria)に乗るのは私にとってこれが初めてのことだった。私は,その'珍しい経験'を楽しむのにはあまりにも疲れすぎていた。私は刑務所の一翼にある付属病院に突然入れられ,そこでの一週間ほとんどベッドで過ごした。私が消化できる流動食をとる処置をする医師が毎日訪ねてきた。保護拘置ででもあれば話は別だが,そうでもなければ誰も刑務所に入りたいなどと望みはしないだろう。投獄はぞっとするような経験である。あの独特で厳しい,あるいは悪い待遇,それから肉体的な不快,といった恐怖はたいしたものではない。最悪の恐怖は刑務所全体の雰囲気,常に監視下にあるという感覚,生きた心地のしない冷たさと陰気さ,それにいつも鼻についてまぎれもなくそれとわかる牢獄の悪臭,さらには他の囚人たちの眼である。わずか一週間にすぎなかったけれども,私たち夫婦はこうしたことをことごとく経験したのである。私たちは,同志たちの多くがこうした取り扱いを何週間も続けて受けている事実を知っていた。また,私たちに何らかの罪があるかぎり(罪があるとしたらの話であるが),その「罪」なるものが軽いからという理由によってではなく,ほかの特別の事情だけによってそのような苛酷な取り扱いを免れているということに気づいていた。

v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square

It was my first trip in a Black Maria as the last time I had been gaoled I had been taken to Brixton in a taxi, but I was too tired to enjoy the novelty. I was popped into the hospital wing of the prison and spent most of my week in bed, visited daily by the doctor who saw that I got the kind of liquid food that I could consume. No one can pretend to a liking for being imprisoned, unless, possibly, for protective custody. It is a frightening experience. The dread of particular, severe or ill treatment and of physical discomfort is perhaps the least of it. The worst is the general atmosphere, the sense of being always under observation, the dead cold and gloom and the always noted, unmistakable, prison smell - and the eyes of some of the other prisoners. We had all this for only a week. We were very conscious of the continuing fact that many of our friends were undergoing it for many weeks and that we were spared only through special circumstances, not through less 'guilt', in so far as there was any guilt.
Meantime the Committee of 100 had put out a leaflet with my message from Brixton. On the back of the leaflet was its urgent appeal to all sympathisers to congregate in Trafalgar Square at 5 o'clock on Sunday, September 17th, for a march to Parliament Square where a public assembly was to be held and a sit-down. The Home Secretaly had issued a Public Order against our use of Trafalgar Square on that occasion, but the Committee had determined that this would be no deterrent. Unfortunately for us, my wife and I were still in gaol and were not released till the following day. I say unfortunately because it must have been a memorable and exhilarating occasion.
We delighted in our reunion in freedom at home very early on Monday morning. But almost at once we were besieged by the press and radio and TV people who swarmed into Hasker Stteet. Our continued involvement with them prevented us from learning for some time all that had been happening since the Bow Street session of the previous week. From what we had learned from the papers that we had seen in prison, we knew that all sorts of meetings and sit-downs had been held, not only in Britain, but also in many other countries, pretesting against our imprisonment. Moreover, my wife had gathered from some of the prisoners at Holloway that the demonstration of the 17th was a success. They had listened to the radio and stood on the balcony above their nets in the great hall of the prison making the sign of thumbs-up to her and shouting excitedly that the sit-down was going splendidly. We learned only gradually quite how unbelievably great a success it had been.
