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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第3章 トラファルガー広場 33-19 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3,n.3

前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.3 (Trafalgar Square) 目次 Contents (総目次)

国防省前の座り込みデモ(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 (1961年)2月18日の反核デモのためになされつつあった活動と準備に対する私の意気込みは強かった。また、百人委員会の計画と野心について、私は全面的に賛成していた。私はすでにこの巻(『ラッセル自伝』第3巻)に市民的不服従運動に対する私の見解を書いており、また当時演説や論文、特にニュステーツマン誌(New Statesman)の1961年2月17日号において公に述べている。私の唯一の不安は、われわれの計画が練り上げられる前に公表されたために、我々の方針が急いでまた断片的なやり方で立てられたという点、それから反対行動に遭遇するかもしれないということを考慮すると、そうした群集の中で暴力を避けるということは非常に困難ではないか、恐らくそれは不可能ではあるまいかという点、に関係したものであった。そのような熱狂的な雰囲気の中で、消極的抵抗(非暴力による抵抗)を説き聞かせること(徹底させること)はとても難しいだろうと、私には思われた。結局は、困ったことは何も起こらなかった。

v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square

My enthusiasm was high for the work and preparations that were being made for February 18th, and I was in complete agreement with the plans and with the aspirations of the Committee. I have already written in this volume of my views of civil disobedience, and I stated them publicly in speeches and articles at this time, notably in an article in the New Statesman for February 17th. My sole misgivings were connected with the hurried and piece-meal way in which our policies had been worked out owing to their premature publication and with the dread lest it might be too difficult - impossible, perhaps - to avoid violence in such a crowd, considering the opposition that might be encountered. Passive resistance, it seemed to me, might be very difficult to inculcate amid such enthusiasm. In the event, it posed no difficulty.
The morning of February 18th was dark and drizzly and cold, and our spirits plummeted. If it rained, the numbers participating in the demonstration would undoubtedly dwindle in spite of the large nucleus already pledged to take part. But when we assembled in Trafalgar Square there was a great crowd. Precisely how great it was, it is impossible to say. The median number as reckoned by the press and the police and the Committee made it about 20,000. The speeches went well and quickly. Then began the march up Whitehall preceded by a large banner and managed with great skill by the Committee's marshals. It comprised a surging but calm and serious crowd of somewhat over 5,000 of those who had been in the Square. At one point we were held up by the police who tried to stop the march on the ground that it was obstructing traffic. The objection, however, manifestly did not hold, and the march proceeded. Finally, over 5,000 people were sitting or lying on the pavements surrounding the Ministry. And there we sat for about two hours till darkness had fallen, a very solid and quiet, if not entirely mute, protest against governmental nuclear policies. A good many people joined us during this time, and more came to have a look at us, and, of course, the press and TV people flocked about asking their questions. As soon as word came that the marchers had all become seated, Michael Scott and Schoenman and I took a notice that we had prepared and stuck it on the Ministry door. We learned that the Government had asked the Fire Department to use their hoses upon us. Luckily, the Fire Department refused. When six o'clock arrived, we called an end to the sit-down. A wave of exultation swept through the crowd. As we marched back towards Whitehall in the dusk and lamplight, past the cheering supporters, I felt very happy - we had accomplished what we set out to do that afternoon, and our serious purpose had been made manifest. I was moved, too, by the cheers that greeted me and by the burst of 'for he's a jolly good fellow' as I passed.
