第2巻第5章 テレグラフ・ハウス時代末期(承前)
『権力』(Power, a new social analysis, 1938)を書き上げたあと,私の思索が再び理論哲学に向かっていることに気付いた。私は,1918年入獄中に,'意味'に関連した諸問題に関心を持つようになった。それ以前は,それらの問題をまったく無視していた。私は,それらの問題について,若干,『心の分析』(The Analysis of Mind, 1921)や同じ頃書いた種々の論文の中でふれた。しかし,言わなければならないことはもっとたくさんあった。論理実証主義者たちは -その一般的な見解については,私も大部分賛成していたが- あるいくつかの点において,経験論を離れて新しいスコラ哲学(注:中世の思弁的宗教哲学)にいってしまう誤謬に陥っているように見えた。彼らは,'言語の領域'を,あたかもそれのみで自立し,言語以外の存在や出来事に関係付けて考える必要がないものとして取り扱う傾向があるように思われた。
オックスフォード大学で連続講義をするよう依頼を受けたので,私は「言語と事実」をテーマとして選んだ。その連続講義(の内容)が,1940年に『意味と真理の探求』(An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, 1940)という表題で出版された本の最初の草稿であった。
v.2,chap.5: Later Years of Telegraph House
After I had finished Power, I found my thoughts turning again to theoretical philosophy. During my time in prison in 1918, I had become interested in the problems connected with meaning, which in earlier days I had completely ignored. I wrote something on these problems in The Analysis of Mind and in various articles written at about the same time. But there was a great deal more to say. The logical positivists, with whose general outlook I had a large measure of agreement, seemed to me on some points to be falling into errors which would lead away from empiricism into a new scholasticism. They seemed inclined to treat the realm of language as if it were self-subsistent, and not in need of any relation to non-linguistic occurrences. Being invited to give a course of lectures at Oxford, I chose as my subject "Words and Facts." The lectures were the first draft of the book published in 1940 under the title An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.
We bought a house at Kidlington, near Oxford, and lived there for about a year, but only one Oxford lady called. We were not respectable. We had later a similar experience in Cambridge. In this respect I have found these ancient seats of learning unique.