* 右下ロレンス写真出典:From R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981.
* 倉持三郎「D. H. ロレンスと Ottoline Morrell-Women in Love の背景-」.
第一章 第一次世界大戦
これらの講演(注:Principles of Social Reconstruction)は,あるいくつかの点で,私とD.H.ロレンス(David Herbert Lawrence, 1885-1930.3.02)との短い交友に関連していた。私たちは,二人とも,人間関係の改革について言うべき重要な何かがあると想像していたが,どういう種類の改革が必要であるかは,おたがい正反対の意見をもっているということに,当初,気がつかなかった。私とロレンスとの交際は,短期間かつ熱狂的であり,全体で約1年間続いた。私たちは,オットリンによって引き合わされた。彼女は,私たちの両方を賛美しており,私たちに,お互い賛美しあうべきであると思わせた。平和主義(注:ここでは,主戦論にたたないという意味での平和主義であり,理論的・絶対的な平和主義ではない。)は,激しい反逆的な気分を私の中に生じさせており,またロレンスも同様に反逆心で満ちていることがわかった。このことは,私たち二人に,当初,考え方にかなりの程度一致点があると思わせた。そうして,私たちがそれぞれカイゼル(ドイツ皇帝ウイルヘルム2世,1859-1941)と相違している以上に私とロレンスとは考え方に違いがあると気づくのは,徐々でしかなかった。
These lectures were in certain ways connected with my short friendship with D. H. Lawrence. We both imagined that there was something important to be said about the reform of human relations, and we did not at first realise that we took diametrically opposite views as to the kind of reform that was needed. My acquaintance with Lawrence was brief and hectic, lasting altogether about a year. We were brought together by Ottoline, who admired us both and made us think that we ought to admire each other. Pacifism had produced in me a mood of bitter rebellion, and I found Lawrence equally full of rebellion. This made us think, at first, that there was a considerable measure of agreement between us, and it was only gradually that we discovered that we differed from each other more than either differed from the Kaiser.
There were in Lawrence at that time two attitudes to the war: on the one hand, he could not be whole-heartedly patriotic, because his wife was German; but on the other hand, he had such a hatred of mankind that he tended to think both sides must be right in so far as they hated each other. As I came to know these attitudes, I realised that neither was one with which I could sympathise. Awareness of our differences, however, was gradual on both sides, and at first all went merry as a marriage bell. I invited him to visit me at Cambridge and introduced him to Keynes and a number of other people. He hated them all with a passionate hatred and said they were 'dead, dead, dead'. For a time I thought he might be right. I liked Lawrence's fire, I liked the energy and passion of his feelings, I liked his belief that something very fundamental was needed to put the world right. I agreed with him in thinking that politics could not be divorced from individual psychology. I felt him to be a man of a certain imaginative genius, and, at first, when I felt inclined to disagree with him, I thought that perhaps his insight into human nature was deeper than mine. It was only gradually that I came to feel him a positive force for evil and that he came to have the same feeling about me.