* 右上イラスト出典:B. Russell's The Satan in the Suburbs, 1953.
* 右下イラスト出典:Bertrand Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953.
人間性についての見方を修正(松下彰良 訳)
1902年以来の親友であったギルバート・マーレイ(Gilbert Murray, 1866-1957)は,かつてボーア戦争(南阿戦争:1899年-1902年)に際して,私が英国側の立場をとった時,彼はボーア人に味方した(参考:江口朴郎「南阿戦争とイギリス-ラッセルの立場」)。それゆえ私は,彼は当然再び和平を唱える立場をとるだろうと期待した。だが彼は,(自ら進むべき道を外れ)わざわざ,ドイツ人の邪悪さについて,またエドワード・グレイ卿の超人的な美徳について,書き記した。私は,虐殺される若い人たちに対し,'絶望的な思いやり'(助けてあげたいが何もしてあげられないという思い)でいっぱいになり,また,ヨーロッパの全政治家たちに対する激しい怒りで満たされた。数週間私は,もしもアスキス(首相)やグレイ卿に偶然に出会ったら,殺したい衝動を抑えることはできないだろうと思った。けれども,こうした個人的な感情も次第に消えていった。そういった感情は,多くの悲劇や,政治家たちもただ野放しにしておく他ない大衆の(強大な)力についての認識(理解)によって,自分の胸の内におさめられていった(←飲み込まれていった)>のである。
Meanwhile, I was living at the highest possible emotional tension. Although I did not foresee anything like the full disaster of the War, I foresaw a great deal more than most people did. The prospect filled me with horror, but what filled me with even more horror was the fact that the anticipation of >carnage was delightful to something like ninety per cent of the population. I had to revise my views on human nature. At that time I was wholly ignorant of psycho-analysis, but I >arrived for myself >at a view of human passions not unlike that of the psycho-analysts. I arrived at this view in an endeavour to understand popular feeling about the War. I had supposed until that time that it was quite common for parents to love their children, but the War persuaded me that it is a rare exception. I had supposed that most people liked money better than almost anything else, but I discovered that they liked destruction even better. I had supposed that intellectuals frequently loved truth, but I found here again that not ten per cent of them prefer truth to popularity. Gilbert Murray, who had been a close friend of mine since 1902, was a pro-Boer when I was not. I therefore naturally expected that he would again be on the side of peace; yet he went out of his way to write about the wickedness of the Germans, and the super-human virtue of Sir Edward Grey. I became filled with despairing tenderness towards the young men who were to be slaughtered, and with rage against all the statesmen of Europe. For several weeks I felt that if I should happen to meet Asquith or Grey I should be unable to refrain from murder. Gradually, however, these personal feelings disappeared. They were swallowed up by the magnitude of the tragedy, and by the realisation of the popular forces which the statesmen merely let loose.