* ジョウゼフ・コンラッドの小説で映画化されたもの
* F. コッポラ監督の「地獄の黙示録」:J. コンラッドの The Heart of Darkness (『闇の奥』)をもとにしたもの(ただし,舞台は,アフリカではなく,ベトナムになっている。)
彼はある程度強い政冶的感情をもってはいたが,政治体制については,あまり関心をもっていなかった。こうした政治的感情のなかで最も強かったのは,英国に対する愛情と,ロシアに対する憎悪であったが,両方とも,彼の『密偵(諜報部員)』(The Secret Agent)の中に表現されている。また,ロシアに対する憎悪は --帝政ロシアに対しても,革命ロシアに対しても,両方とも-- 彼の『西欧人の眼に』(Under Western Eyes)に力強く述べられている。彼のロシア嫌いはポーランドでは伝統的なものであった。それは,トルストイやドストエフスキーの価値さえも認めようとしないほどであった。ツルゲーネフは唯一自分が賞賛するロシア人小説家であると,彼はかつて私に語ったことがある。
Of all that he had written I admired most the terrible story called The Heart of Darkness, in which a rather weak idealist is driven mad by horror of the tropical forest and loneliness among savages. This story expresses, I think, most completely his philosophy of life. I felt, though I do not know whether he would have accepted such an image, that he thought of civilised and morally tolerable human life as a dangerous walk on a thin crust of barely cooled lava which at any moment might break and let the unwary sink into fiery depths. He was very conscious of the various forms of passionate madness to which men are prone, and it was this that gave him such a profound belief in the importance of discipline. His point of view, one might perhaps say, was the antithesis of Rousseau's : 'Man is born in chains, but he can become free.' He becomes free, so I believe Conrad would have said, not by letting loose his impulses, not by being casual and uncontrolled, but by subduing wayward impulse to a dominant purpose.
He was not much interested in political systems, though he had some strong political feelings. The strongest of these were love of England and hatred of Russia, of which both are expressed in The Secret Agent; and the hatred of Russia, both Czarist and revolutionary, is set forth with great power in Under Western Eyes. His dislike of Russia was that which was traditional in Poland. It went so far that he would not allow merit to either Tolstoy or Dostoevski. Turgeniev, he told me once, was the only Russian novelist whom he admired.
Except for love of England and hatred of Russia, politics did not much concern him. What interested him was the individual human soul faced with the indifference of nature, and often with the hostility of man, and subject to inner struggles with passions both good and bad that led towards destruction. Tragedies of loneliness occupied a great part of his thought and feeling. One of his most typical stories is Typhoon. In this story the Captain, who is a simple soul, pulls his ship through by unshakeable courage and grim determination. When the storm is over, he writes a long letter to his wife, telling about it. In his account his own part is, to him, perfectly simple. He has merely , performed his Captain's duty as, of course, anyone would expect. But the reader, through his narrative, becomes aware of all that he has done and dared and endured. The letter, before he sends it off, is read surreptitiously by his steward, but is never read by anyone else at all because his wife finds it boring and throws it away unread.