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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第7章 17-4 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ v.1,chap.7 (Cambridge Again) 目次  Contents (総目次)

スタッドランドでの二泊三日(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 (アリスとの)この出来事の現場から -まだ自分は癌だと信じつつ- スタッドランド(Studland)に直行した。スワネージ(Swanage:スワンエイジ,スウォニッジ)で私は,信じがたいほど歩みののろい馬付の旧式の一頭立て貸馬車(fly)を手に入れた。幾つもの丘を登ったり降りたりしてゆっくりと進むうちに,私の忍耐心はほとんど限界に達した。けれども,ついに道路脇の松林の中にオットリンが坐っているのを発見し,私は馬車から降り,荷物をのせたまま馬車を先に行かせた。私がスタッドランドで(オットリンとともに)過ごした二泊三日(The three days and nights)は,人生がその可能性をすべて発揮しているように思われた、しかし実際にはめったにそうならない、数少ない瞬間として私の記憶に残っている。人生は、実際は、その可能性の全てを開花させることなどめったにない。(松下注: 'all that it might be' )
From this scene I went straight to Studland, still believing that I had cancer. At Swanage, I obtained an old-fashioned fly with an incredibly slow horse. During his leisurely progress up and down the hills, my impatience became almost unendurable. At last, however. I saw Ottoline sitting in a pine-wood beside the road, so I got out, and let the fly go on with my luggage. The three days and nights that I spent at Studland remain in my memory as among the few moments when life seemed all that it might be, but hardly ever is. I did not, of course, tell Ottoline that I had reason to fear that I had cancer, but the thought of this possibility heightened my happiness by giving it greater intensity, and by the sense that it had been wrenched from the jaws of destruction. When the dentist told me, my first reaction was to congratulate Deity on having got me after all just as happiness seemed in sight. I suppose that in some underground part of me I believed in a Deity whose pleasure consists of ingenious torture. But throughout the three days at Studland, I felt that this malignant Deity had after all been not wholly successful. When finally I did see the specialist, it turned out that there was nothing the matter.