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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 - アリスに一目惚れ(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第4章(婚約期間)累積版 総目次
* 右写真(ラッセルとアリス)出典: Ronald Clark's The Life of Bertrand Russell, 1975.



 彼女は大学在学中であり,大西洋を単身で渡って来ており,またすぐにわかったことであるが,ウォルト・ホイットマン(Walt Whitman, 1819~1892: 米国の詩人/詩集『草の葉』で有名)の親友であるというように,彼女は私がそれまでに知っていたいずれの若い女性よりもより解放的であった。彼女は,『エックハルト』というドイツ語の本を読んだことがあるか,と私に尋ねた。偶然にも私は,その朝,その本を読み終えていた。これは'幸運の訪れ(めぐりあわせ)'であると私は思った。彼女は親切であり,少しも私を内気にさせることはなかった。一目見て私は彼女が好きになった(一目惚れした)


But it was the daughter from Bryn Mawr who especially interested me. She was very beautiful, as appears from the following extract from the Bulletin, Glasgow, May 10, 1921:
'I remember meeting Mrs Bertrand Russell at a civic reception or something of the kind (was it a reception to temperance delegates?) in Edinburgh twenty odd years ago. She was at that time one of the most beautiful women it is possible to imagine, and gifted with a sort of imperial statelines, for all her Quaker stock. We who were present admired her so much that in a collected and dignified Edinburgh way we made her the heroine of the evening.'
She was more emancipated than any young woman I had known, since she was at college and crossed the Atlantic alone, and was, as I soon discovered, an intimate friend of Walt Whitman. She asked me whether I had ever read a certain German book called Ekkehard, and it happened that I had finished it that morning. I felt this was a stroke of luck. She was kind, and made me feel not shy. I fell in love with her at first sight.
