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バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 - 刑務所は罰を受ける場所(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ  第1巻 第3章(ケンブリッジ大学時代)累積版 総目次

 ストレイチー夫人(Lady Strachey,1840-1928/右肖像画=キャリントン作)は,大変精力的な女性であり,子供たちのなかの少なくとも何人かは有名になるべきであるという,大きな望みを抱いていた。彼女には素晴らしい(賞賛に値する)散文のセンスがあり,しばしばサウス(Robert South, 1634-1716:英国の宮廷説教家)の説教を,声高々と子供に読んで聞かせていたが,それはその内容のためではなく(彼女は自由思想家であった),英語の文章を執筆する際のリズム感を子供たちに身につけさせるためであった。

Lady Srrachey was a woman of immmense vigour, with a great desire that some at least of her children should distinguish themselves. She had an admirable sense of prose and used to read South's sermons aloud to her children, not for the matter (she was a free-thinker), but to give them a sense of rhythm in the writing of English.
Lytton, who was too delicate to be sent to a conventional school, was seen by his mother to be brilliant, and was brought up to the career of a writer in an atmosphere of dedication. His writing appeared to me in those days hilariously amusing. I heard him read Eminent Victorians before it was published, and I read it again to myself in prison. It caused me to laugh so loud that the officer came round to my cell, saying I must remember that prison is a place of punishment.
