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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第2章 - 1889年のパリ万博を見学(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第2章(青年期)累積版 総目次
* 国際博覧会(=万国博覧会)について
* 東京大学附属図書館マルチメディア展示「万国博覧会」

 私たちは,まずパリに行った。パリでは1889年のパリ万国博覧会が開催中であり,私たちは,その年に新しく建てられたエッフェル塔の天辺(てっぺん)に上った。その後私たちは,スイスに行き,約1週間,あちらこちらをドライブしてまわった。(松下注:自動車の歴史/写真は,1889年製のベンツ・ビクトリア。このような車に乗ったと想像される。)そして最後に,エンガディン(右欄地図参照)まで行った。彼と私は,Piz Corvach(松下注:Piz [pi]=山)と,Piz Paluの2つの山に登った。どちらの時も吹雪であった。最初私が高山病になり,2番目に彼がなった。この2番目の時はとても興奮した。私たちのガイドの1人が断崖から落ちたため(←断崖から少し落ちたが命綱があったため途中で止まった?),彼をロープでひっぱり上げなければならなかったからである。ガイドが崖から落ちる時に,彼(ガイド)は神をののしったので,私は,彼(ガイド)の'沈着冷静さ'(sang froid → 原義 cold blood)に感銘した。

Having been lonely so long, I devoted somewhat absurd amount of affection to FitzGerald. To my great delight, I was invited to go abroad with him and his people in August. This was the first time I had been abroad since the age of two, and the prospect of seeing foreign countries excited me greatly.


We went first to Paris, where the Exhibition of 1889 was in progress, and we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, which was new that year. We then went to Switzerland, where we drove from place to place for about a week, ending up in the Engadine. He and I climbed two mountains, Piz Corvach, and Piz Palu. On both occasions there was a snow-storm. On the first I had mountain sickness, and on the second he did. The second occasion was quite exciting, as one of our guides fell over a precipice, and had to be hauled up by the rope. I was impressed by his sang froid, as he swore as he fell over.
Unfortunately, however, FitzGerald and I had a somewhat serious disagreement during this time. He spoke with what I thought unpardonable rudeness to his mother, and being young I reproached him for doing so. He was exceedingly angry, with a cold anger which lasted for months. When we returned to the crammer's, we shared lodgings, and he devoted himself to saying disagreeable things, in which he displayed great skill. I came to hate him with a violence which, in retrospect, I can hardly understand. On one occasion, in an access of fury, I got my hands on his throat and started to strangle him. I intended to kill him, but when he began to grow livid, I relented. I do not think he knew that I had intended murder. After this, we remained fairly good friends throughout his time at Cambridge, which, however, ended with his marriage at the end of his second year.