7つ年上の兄(松下彰良 訳)
両親は,二人が交わした手紙(に書いてあること)から判断すると,彼のことではそうとう困っていたようである。しかし,彼はその性格においてもまた外見においても,(母方の)スタンレイ家の一員であったので,とにかく母は彼の理解者であった。(松下注:日高一輝氏は,「彼はその性格においても風貌においても母の父であるスタンレイ卿と同じだった」と訳されている。日高訳でも悪くはないかもしれないが,ここはスタンレイ卿を直接さしているのではなく,「スタンレー家の特徴を体現している(スタンレー家の一員である)という意味」なので,少し意訳しすぎと思われる。)(これに対し)ラッセル家の人々は,彼をすこしも理解せず,最初から彼を腕白小僧とみなしていた。(ラッセル注:ある時私の祖父が,父に手紙を書いてこう言った。チャールス・ジェームズ・フォックスは非常に腕白な少年であったけれども,それでも長じてからはすっかり良くなった,という事実を考慮にいれて,私の兄の腕白をそう深く考えすぎないように,と。) 自分がそのように見られているということを知り,兄がそのような評判に応じた行動をし始めたのは,不自然なことではなかった。
左欄の写真:兄のフランク・ラッセル(出典:R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981.)
My brother was seven years older than I was, and therefore not much of a companion to me. Except in holiday time he was away at school. I admired him in the way natural to a younger brother, and was always delighted when he returned at the beginning of the holidays, but after a few days I began to wish the holidays were over. He teased me, and bullied me mildly. I remember once when I was six years old he called in a loud voice: 'Baby!' With great dignity I refused to take any notice, considering that this was not my name. He afterwards informed me that he had had a bunch of grapes which he would have given me if I had come. As I was never in any circumstances allowed to eat any fruit at all, this deprivation was rather serious. There was also a certain small bell which I believed to be mine, but which he at each return asserted to be his and took from me, although he was himself too old to derive any pleasure from it. He still had it when he was grown-up, and I never saw it without angry feelings. My father and mother, as appears from their letters to each other, had considerable trouble with him, but at any rate my mother understood him, as he was in character and appearance a Stanley. The Russells never understood him at all, and regarded him from the first as a limb of Satan. Not unnaturally, finding himself so viewed, he set out to live up to his reputation. Attempts were made to keep him away from me, which I resented as soon as I became aware of them. His personality was, however, very overpowering, and after I had been with him some time I began to feel as if I could not breathe. I retained throughout his life an attitude towards him consisting of affection mixed with fear. He passionately longed to be loved, but was such a bully that he never could keep the love of anyone. When he lost anyone's love, his heart was wounded and he became cruel and unscrupulous, but all his worst actions sprang from sentimental causes.