恐怖(心)はこれらのあらゆる害悪(弊害)が生じる源泉である。パニックに陥った時に起こりがちなように,恐怖(心)は恐れられる惨害をもたらす当該行為を起こさせる(のである)。危険は現実に存在している--その危険は,実際,人類の歴史のいかなる時代よりも大きい--が,しかし,ヒステリーにかかりやすいものはみな危険を増大させる。この困難な時代においては,危険を知るばかりでなく,その危険の重大さを知っているにもかかわらず冷静かつ合理的に対処することは,我々の明確な義務である。オーウェルの「一九八四年の世界」を仮にその存在を我々が許したとしても,長続きはしないだろう。それは(オーウェルの「一九八四年の世界」は)ただ普遍的な死(世界の滅亡)への前奏曲であるだけであろう。(終) |
This applies more particularly to education. Even mildly liberal opinions expose an educator nowadays in some important countries to the risk of losing his job and being unable to find any other. The consequence is that children grow up in ignorance of many things that it is vitally important they should know, and that bigotry and obscurantism have a perilous measure of popular support. Fear is the source from which all these evils spring, and fear, as is apt to happen in a panic, inspires the very actions which bring about the disasters that are dreaded. The dangers are real -- they are indeed greater than at any previous time in human history-- but all yielding to hysteria increases them. It is our clear duty in this difficult time, not only to know the dangers, but to view them calmly and rationally in spite of knowledge of their magnitude. Orwell's world of 1984, if we allow it to exist, will not exist for long. It will be only the prelude to universal death. |