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IV.-A3 ラッセル文書館報・総目次 - Index to Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studiies: New series, v.20,n.1-v.20,n.2

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V.20,n.1(Summer 2000)
  1. Editor's notes, by K. Blackwell(p.3-4)
    * Opening of the Bertrand Russell Research Center (16 Nov. 2000)
  2. Frege, Peano and Russell on descriptions; a comparison, by F. A. Rodriguez-Consuegra(p.5-25)
  3. Remarks on Peano Arithmetic, by Charles Sayword(p.27-32)
  4. Semantic empiricism and direct acquaintance in The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, by Audre Jean Brokes(p.33-65)
  5. (Advertisement:) Books by Jan Dejnozka(p.66)
  6. (Announcements:) The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, by Nicholas Griffin(p.67-70)
  7. The CCNY affair; a review of Thom Weidrich's Appointment Denied; the inquisition of Bertrand Russell(Amherst, N. Y.; Prometheus Books, 2000), by Louis Greenspan(p.71-77)
  8. The denoting reader; a review of Gary Osterag ed.'s Definite Descriptions; a reader(Cambridge, Mass., and London; MIT Press, 1998), by Nicholas Griffin(p.77-82) On Russell(Belmont, Calif.; Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000), by Ray Perkins(p.82-85)
  9. Russell the political theorist; a review of Bart Schultz ed.'s "The social and political philosophy of B. Russell, parts 1-2"(In: Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 26: June 1996, p.157-266 & Sept. 1996, p.317-368), by Peter Stone(p.85-92)
  10. From a Swedish point of view; a review of Gunnar Fredriksson's Wittgenstein(Stockholm; Albert Bonniers Forlag, 1993) and Svante Nordin's Filosofernas Krig [The Philosopher's War; European philosophy during the First World War](Nora; Bokforlaget Nya Doxa, 1998), by Stefan Andersson(p.92-94)
V.20,n2(Winter 2000/2001)

  1. Editor's Notes(p.99-100)
  2. David Blitz "Russell, Einstein and the Philosophy of Non-Absolute Pacifism"(p.101-128)
  3. Ray Monk "The Continuing Importance of Bertrand Russell"(p.129-140)
  4. Kenneth Blackwell "A Bibliographical Index for The Principles of Mathematics"(p.141-150)
  5. Keith Green: Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell, [Vol. 2:] 1921-70: the Ghost of Madness(p.151-164)
  6. Gary Ostertag: Jan Dejnozka, Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance(p.165-171)
  7. Michael Scanlan: Bernard Linsky, Russell's Metaphysical Logic(p.172-175)
  8. Thom Weidlich: Louis Greenspan and Stefan Andersson, eds., Russell on Religion(p.176-180)
  9. Giovanni de Carvalho: Guillermo Hurtado, Proposiciones Russellianas(p.181-184)
  10. Sheila Turcon Index to Russell,n.s. 16-20 (1996-2000)(p.185)
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