IV.4A2b3.ラッセル(思想)の簡単な紹介 (含,追悼記事)01.Man's war with the universe in the religion of B. Russell. Unsigned.Current Opinion(N.Y.), v.65: 1918, p.45-46. * Contains quotations from A Free Man's Worsihp ![]() 02.B. Russell, by J. M. Bochénski. In: Europäishe Phiosophie der Gegenwart(Francke AG Verlag, 1951) 03.B. Russell; his contribution to philosophy, by Stuart Hampshire. (Manchester)Guardian, May 17, 1952, p.4 & 6. 04.B. Russell's eightieth birthday, by Stuart Hampshire. Manchester Guardian Weekly, May 22, 1952, p.7. 05.Earl, philosopher, logician, rebel, by Charles Hussey. New York Times, May 13, 1962, sec. 6, p.10, 102 & 104. 06 - 21: Obituaries, Signed. 06.Ayer, A. J.: New Statesman, v.79, 6 Feb. 1970, p.182-183. |
07.Boyle, (Sir) Edward: Daily Telegraph(London), 7 Feb. 1970, p.16. 08.Braithwaite, R. B.: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, v.21: 1970, p.129-131. 09.Brogan, Denis: Spectator, v.224: 1970, p.208-209. 10.Bronowski, J.: Nation(N.Y.), v.210: 16 Feb. 1970, p.166. * Title: High-minded and light-hearted. 11.Burns, Michael: Times, 10 Feb. 1970, p.12. 12.Downie, Leonard, Jr.: Washington Post, 4 Feb. 1970, p.C5. 13.Dutt, R. Palme.: Labour Monthly, v.52: 1970, p.97-110. 14.Jackson, Leonard.: Times Educational Supplement, 6 Feb. 1970, p.91. 15.Johnson, Dennis.: (Manchester)Guardian, 4 Feb. 1970, p.20. |