執筆or 出版 年月日 | 邦 訳 | 一連 番号 | 書誌データ(タイトル、出版事項等) |
1953 (81歳) | T | 1027 |
Benefif of clergy.
In: Harper's Bazaar, June 1953, pp.86-87, 124, & 130.
* Repr. in: (45)Satan in the Suburbs, and ... |
1953/06/11 (81歳) | | 1028 |
Ideologies and power politics.
In: Sunday Times, 28 June 1953 所収. |
1953/06/16 (81歳) | | 1029 |
Albert Einstein.
In: Observer, 24 Apr. 1955, p.502.
* Not identical with (1049) |
1953/07/09 (81歳) | | 1030 |
Are the world's troubles due to decay of faith?
In: Rationalist Annual, 1954, pp. 7-13.
* Repr. in: (70)B. Russell on God and Religion, pp.281-287. |
1953/07/19 (81歳) | T | 1031 |
Cambridge in the Eighteen-Nineties [=Portrait from Memory, I].
In: Listener, v.50(n.1277): 20 Aug. 1953, pp. 307-308.
* Repr. as "Some Cambridge dons of the 'Nineties'" in: (48)Portraits from Memory, and ... |
1953/07 (81歳) | T | 1032 |
Cambridge friendship [=Portrait from Memory, II].
In: Listener, v.50(n.1278): 27 Aug. 1953, pp. 337-338.
* Repr. as "Some of my contemporaries at Cambridge" in: (48)Portraits from Memory, and ... |
1953/07/26 (81歳) | | 1033 |
Have liberal ideals a future?
* Written for The Melbourne Times Encyclopaedia. |
1953/07/30 (81歳) | T | 1034 |
What is an agnositic? ![](zenbun_eturan.jpg)
In: Look, 3 Nov. 1953, p. 96, 98-101.
* Repr. in: The Religions of America(New York, Simon & Schuster, 1955), pp.149-157.
* Repr. in: (57)The Basic Writings of B. Russell.
* Repr. in: (70)B. Russell on God and Religion. |
1953/08/06 (81歳) | | 1035 |
Hamilcar Barker'; an anecdote.
* Unpublished? |
1953/08/07 (81歳) | | **** |
'This spirit of inquiry'.
* Written for the Readers Digest, but not published. |
1953/08/08 (81歳) | T | 1036 |
[George] Bernard Shaw; the admirable iconoclast.
In: Listener, v.50(n.1279), 3 Sept. 1953, pp.380-381.
Repr. in: (48) Portraits from Memory, and ... |
1953/08/13 (81歳) | T | 1037 |
H. G. Wells; liberator of thought[=Portraits from memory, IV].
In: Listener, v.50(n.1280), 10 Sept. 1953, pp.417-418.
* Repr. in: (48)Portraits from Memory, and ... |
1953/08/13 (81歳) | | 1038 |
The war to end war.
* Tape recorded, 4 Aug. 1959. |
1953/08/15 (81歳) | | 1039 |
The Kinsey Report on women.
* Written for Evening Standard.1959. |
1953/08/19 (81歳) | T | 1040 |
George Santayana[=Portraits from memory, VI].
In: Listener, v.50(n.1282): 25 Sepr. 1953, pp. 503 & 511.
* Repr. in: (48)Portraits from Memory, and ... |