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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* 原著:On locomotion, by Bertrand Russell
* Sopurce: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975


* 改訳しました。(2011.1.10)

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One of the things that the modern man considers essential to happiness is frequent and rapid change of position relative to terrestrial objects.
The earth's rotation causes the inhabitants of New York to move through about sixteen thousand miles a day; the earth's revolution round the sun takes them on a journey of about three hundred million miles every year; the sun's proper motion causes them to approach the constellation Herucules by several miles in every second. But all this fails to content them. It is not enough to move relatively to the fixed stars; they must move also relatively to Broadway.
This increased mobility has produced a great change in the mentality of educated people - more perhaps in Europe than in America, because European travel quickly takes the traveller across frontiers and into different civilisations, while the three thousand miles from New York to Los Angeles produce less change in this respect than the twenty-one miles from Dover to Calais.
It is true that a very complete change is obtainable by crossing the border into Mexico, but it does not occur to the citizens of the United States to regard Mexican civilisation as one from which there is anything to be learned.
In Europe there is no such obvious superiority of one country to another. It might therefore be expressed that travel would have the effect of broadening men's outlook, enlarging their sympathies, and increasing their knowledge of mankind. This effect is produced in those who travel in order to do some work which brings them into important relations with the inhabitants of the foreign countries in which they find themselves, but not in those who travel merely in order to travel.
Such people, if they are rich, stay at cosmopolitan hotels which are exactly alike in all the countries of the world and associate with such of their fellow-travellers as they already know at home. If they are poor, they usually travel in large gangs, with a manner who saves them from the necessity of even business contacts with the natives. They come home having experienced nothing except picture-postcards and the railway system.
The habit of constant movement is destroying some things which had considerable value. The practice of reading for pleasure is dying out, especially as regards books that are not quite new. Knowledge of the seasons, and the intimate love of places in their detail that comes of remaining immovable throughout the year, are now almost confined to agricultural labourers. This has caused the poetry of the past, and the ways of feeling from which it sprang, to go dead.
Many valuable emotions, and much important thinking, can only grow up as the result of long periods of quiet. These elements in the emotional and philosophical outlook of the past are now decaying.
On the other hand, the cruelty and madness which in former ages were generated by boredom and unendurable monotony are also growing less. Perhaps therefore there is gain on the balance. However that may be, the mental change is certainly profound, and still only half completed.