
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]



* 邦訳がある場合は、邦訳を使用

 01. German Social Democracy, 1896.(河合訳『ドイツ社会主義』、みすず書房)
 02. An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry, 1897.
 03. A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, 1900.
 04. The Principles of Mathematics, 1903.
 05. Philosophical Essays, 1910.
 06. Principia Mathematica, 3v.,1910-1913.(『プリンキピア・マテマティカ序論』、哲学書房)
★07. The Problems of Philosophy, 1912.(中村訳『新訳・哲学入門』、社会思想社、教養文庫)
★08. Our Knowledge of the External World,1914.(『世界の名著』第58巻、中央公論社)
 09. Justice in War Time, 1916.
★10. Principles of Social Reconstruction,1916.(世界の大思想、第26巻、河出書房新社)
 11. Political Ideals, 1917.(牧野訳『政治理想』、理想社)
 12. Mysticism and Logic, 1918.
 13. Roads to Freedom, 1918.
▲14.Introduction to Mathematical Philosphy, 1919. (岩波文庫、『数理哲学序説』)
★15. The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, 1920.(河合訳『ロシア共産主義』、みすず書房)
★16. The Analysis of Mind, 1921.(竹尾訳『心の分析』、勁草書房)
 17. The Problem of China, 1922.(牧野訳『中国の問題』、理想社)
 18. The Prospects of Industrial Civilization, 1923.
 19. The ABC of Atoms, 1923.

 20. Icarus; or, the future of science, 1924.
 21. What I Believe, 1925.
★22. The ABC of Relativity,1st ed., 1925.(『相対性理論の哲学』、白揚社)
★23. On Education, 1926.(『ラッセル教育論』、岩波文庫)
 x1. Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell, 1927.
★24. An Outline of Philosophy, 1927.
 25. The Analysis of Matter, 1927.
 26. Sceptical Essays, 1928.
★27. Marriage and Morals, 1929.
★28. The Conquest of Happiness, 1930.(『ラッセル幸福論』、岩波文庫)
 29. Scientific Outlook, 1931.
★30. Education and the Social Order, 1932.(鈴木訳『教育と社会体制』、明治図書)
 31. Freedom and Organization, 1934.
 32. In Praise of Idleness, and Other Essays, 1935.
★33. Religion and Science, 1935.
 34. Which Way to Peace?, 1936.
 35. The Amberley Papers, 2 v., 1937.
★36. Power; a new social analysis, 1938.
★37. An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, 1940.(『意味と真偽性』、文化評論出版)
★38. A History of Western Philosophy,  1945. (『西洋哲学史』、みすず書房)
★39. Human Knowledge; its scope and limits, 1948.
 40. Authority and the Individual, 1949.
★41. Unpopular Essays, 1950.
 42. New Hopes for a Changing World, 1951.
 x3. The Wit and Wisdom of Bertrand Russell, 1951.
 43. The Impact of Science on Society, 1952.
 x4. (Bertrand Russell's) Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Morals, 1952.
 44. The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953.
▲45. Satan in the Suburbs, 1953.
 46. Nightmares of Eminent Persons, 1954.
★47. Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954.(『ヒューマン・ソサエティ』、玉川大学出版部)
 48. Logic and Knowledge, 1956.(『現代哲学基本論文集』、勁草書房)
 49. Portraits from Memory, and Other Essays, 1956.
 50. Understanding History and Other Essays, 1957.(『世界の大思想』v.26、河出書房新社)
★51. Why I am not a Christian, and Other Essays, 1957.
 52. The Vital Letters of Russell, Khrushchev, Dulles, 1958.
 x5. Bertrand Russell's Best, 1958.
 x6. The Will to Doubt, 1958.
 53. Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, 1959.
★54. My Philosophical Development, 1959.(『私の哲学の発展』、みすず書房)
 55. Wisdom of the West, 1959.
★56. Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind, 1960.
 57. Fact and Fiction, 1961.(牧野訳『民主主義とはなにか?』、理想社他)
★58. Has Man a Future?, 1961.(日高訳『人類に未来はあるか?』、理想社)
 59. The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, 1961.
 60. Unarmed Victory, 1963.(牧野訳『武器なき勝利』、理想社)
 x7. On the Philosophy of Science, 1965.
 61. War Crimes in Vietnam, 1967.(日高訳『ヴェトナムの戦争犯罪』、河出書房新社)
★62. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 3 v., 1967-1969.(日高訳『ラッセル自叙伝』、理想社)
 63. The Art of Philosophizing and Other Essays, 1968.
 64. Dear Bertrand Russell, 1968.(日高訳『拝啓B.ラッセル様』、講談社)
 65. The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell, 1972.
 x8. The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and in His Own Words, 1972.
 x9. Atheism, 1972.
 66. Bertrand Russell's America, v.1, 1973; v.2,1975.
 67. Essays in Analysis, 1973.
★68. Mortals and Other Essays, v.1, 1975.
 69. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell,v.1:-
 70. The Selected letters of Bertrand Russell, v.1:-