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ラッセル「宗教は文明に有益な貢献をしたか?」n.6 (松下彰良・訳) - Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? 1930

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 この主題に関する信心深い人々の通常の(宗教を肯定する)論拠は,おおざっぱに言って次のとおりである。「私と私の友人(たち)は,驚くべき知性と特性を持った(有徳な)人間である。これほどの知性と徳(性)が偶然によって生じたとはほとんど想像できない。それゆえ,我々(人間)を創りだそうという考えでこの宇宙機械(機構)を動作させた,少なくとも我々人間と同程度に知性と徳(性)を持った誰かが存在しなければならない」 残念ながら,私は,この論拠(議論)を用いる人々が考えているほど,この論拠を素晴らしい(気持ちに訴える)ものだとは思わない。宇宙は広い,それでも,我々がエディントン(注:英国の著名な物理学者)の言っていることを信ずるなら,人間ほど知的な存在は,宇宙の他のどこにもおそらくないであろう(注:最近,地球と同じような環境にある惑星がいくつか発見されており,人間ほど知的な生命は地球以外には存在しないとは断定できなくなっている)世界の物質の総量を考え,それと知的な存在の身体を構成する物質の量とを比較すれば,後者が前者に対してほとんど無限小の比率を持っている(ほとんどとるに足らない量である)ことがわかるであろう。従って,確率の法則(注:laws of chance → laws of probability)原子の偶然な選択(ランダムな選択)によって,知性を可能にする有機体を産み出すことはほとんどありそうもないが,それにもかかわらず,極めて少数のそのような有機体を実際発見するということは,この宇宙において有りうることであろう。

The Objections to Religion

The usual argument of religious people on this subject is roughly as follows: "I and my friends are persons of amazing intelligence and virtue. It is hardly conceivable that so much intelligence and virtue could have come about by chance. There must, therefore, be someone at least as intelligent and virtuous as we are who set the cosmic machinery in motion with a view to producing Us." I am sorry to say that I do not find this argument so impressive as it is found by those who use it. The universe is large; yet, if we are to believe Eddington, there are probably nowhere else in the universe beings as intelligent as men. If you consider the total amount of matter in the world and compare it with the amount forming the bodies of intelligent beings, you will see that the latter bears an almost infinitesimal proportion to the former. Consequently, even if it is enormously improbable that the laws of chance will produce an organism capable of intelligence out of a casual selection of atoms, it is nevertheless probable that there will be in the universe that very small number of such organisms that we do in fact find.
Then again, considered as the climax to such a vast process, we do not really seem to me sufficiently marvelous. Of course, I am aware that many divines are far more marvelous than I am, and that I cannot wholly appreciate merits so far transcending my own. Nevertheless, even after making allowances under this head, I cannot but think that Omnipotence operating through all eternity might have produced something better. And then we have to reflect that even this result is only a flash in the pan. The earth will not always remain habitable; the human race will die out, and if the cosmic process is to justify itself hereafter it will have to do so elsewhere than on the surface of our planet. And even if this should occur, it must stop sooner or later. The second law of thermodynamics makes it scarcely possible to doubt that the universe is running down, and that ultimately nothing of the slightest interest will be possible anywhere. Of course, it is open to us to say that when that time comes God will wind up the machinery again; but if we do not say this, we can base our assertion only upon faith, not upon one shred of scientific evidence. So far as scientific evidence goes, the universe has crawled by slow stages to a somewhat pitiful result on this earth and is going to crawl by still more pitiful stages to a condition of universal death. If this is to be taken as evidence of a purpose, I can only say that the purpose is one that does not appeal to me. I see no reason, therefore, to believe in any sort of God, however vague and however attenuated. I leave on one side the old metaphysical arguments, since religious apologists themselves have thrown them over.
