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バートランド・ラッセル「嫉妬について」(1931年7月22日)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:On Jealousy, by Bertrand Russell

* Reprinted in: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975




 この場合の嫉妬は,男女間の愛情だけではなく,もっと広い意味で使われていますが,みなさんどう思われるでしょうか?(2000.10.28: 松下)

 嫉妬(の機会)を減らしたければ,次のような方法によってそれはもたらすことができるだろう。即ち,いわゆる不文の法(に訴えるという極端なケースに関しては,理性的に是認することはできない(rational doubt 理性によって支持されうる疑い)。あなたは他人に金銭をだまし取られれば立腹するだろうが,あなたが補償を求めるのは法を通じてであり,私的な復讐によってではないことが期待される。私的な不正(行為)は私的な復讐によって補償されるべきであるという考えは,文明社会の通念と両立しない。
 それでは,それほど極端ではない嫉妬の場合には,我々はどう考えたらよいであろうか? 相手に嫉妬の感情を起こさせる原因(根拠)をあたえないようにしたほうがよいというのではなく,そのことが認められたとしても(認めたとしても),多くの人が他人に嫉妬(の感情)を起こさせる原因を与えてしまうことを,我々は知っている。嫉妬が社会的に見て褒められるべき感情だと考えられる限り,この種の感情を他人に引き起こすような行為を隠そうとするだろうし,その結果,人間の非常に密接な間柄に欺瞞が蔓延するだろう。人は結婚生活の破綻を望んでいるわけではなくても,法律上の夫婦間の貞節の義務に時折違反しがちであることを誰もが知っている。しかし誰でも自分についてはそのことを承知しているが配偶者については,ほとんどの人がそれを信じたがらない。誰でも,二種類の性心理学を携えている。一つは自分自身に適用し得るものであり,もう一つは自分が愛している相手に適用し得るものである。両者は,水と油のように分け隔てられていて決して混じりあわない。私としては,人が自分自身に適用する心理学のほうが,妻に対して適用するものよりもより真理に近いと思う。また,間違っているこを信じることも,長い目で見れば,決してよいことではないと信ずる。

 One of the dividing lines between people who are old-fashioned and people who have a modern outlook is as to jealousy. The traditional outlook was that while jealousy is to be condmned when it is unfounded, it is to be counted as just indignation where cause for it exists. Othello did wrong in murdering Desdemona because she was innocent, but if she had sinned his action would have been becoming to an officer and a gentleman. Appeals to the unwritten law are still not uncommon and most people still view leniently a man who is driven to violence by his wife's infidelity. Indeed a tolerant attitude in such circumstances is viewed by many as unmanly.
 This attitude causes jealousy to be much more violent than it need be. There is undoubtedly an instinctive element in it, but the instinctive element is greatly inflamed by the sense that one's rights are being infringed. When a man's beliefs as to his rights change, there is a corresponding change both in the violence of his jealousy and in the occasions on which he feels it. A man who in one social environment will be led by jealosy to commit murder will in another environment be led only to feel a bit surly.
 Should we desire the diminution of jealousy, it can be brought about in this way. I think as regards the extreme case of the so-called unwritten law there can be no rational doubt. If a man swindles you out of your money, you may be very angry, but you are expected to seek redress through the law, not through private vengeance. It is incompatible with the whole idea of a civilised state that private wrongs should be redressed by private violence.
 But what are we to say of less extreme forms of jealousy? Let it be granted that it would be better not to give grounds for jealousy, but that being admitted, we know nevertheless that many people will give such grounds. So long as jealousy is considered socially admirable, people will conceal such actions as might cause it, with the result that the most intimate of human relations becomes filled with deciet. Every man knows that he is liable to an occasional lapse from technical fidelity without on that account wishing his marriage to be broken up, but while everyone knows this concerning himself, few people can manage to believe it with regard to their partner. Everybody carries about wiht him two kinds of sexual psychology: one applicable to himself, the other to the person he is in love with. These two exist in watertight compartments and never meet. I believe myself that the psychology a man applies to himself is nearer to the truth than that which he applies to his wife, and I believe also that in the long run it never does any good to believe what is untrue.
 I shall be told that every properly constituted man would find life intolerable if he were not absolutely convinced that his wife was more virtuous than himself, but this again depends upon expectation and social convention. The first time one learns that one's best friends are liable to be wittily satirical at one's expense, the experience is very painful, and one feels furious in spite of the consciousness of often having done the same thing oneself; but a little experience and a little reflection will convince anybody that he cannot hope to be an exception and to have none of his foibles ever laughed at. The same sort of thing applies also to graver matters.
 It is possible, though I admit that it is difficult, to view oneself as no exception to general laws and as not having a sacrosanct immunity from the ordinary misfortunes of life. There is much too much pompous self-esteem in the world, and anything that diminishes the harm that people do by demanding more than their due share of the world's room is to be welcomed.